A Letter To My Church

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. Thus goes my favourite bible reading, making it clear that as children we think and act very differently to the way we do when we are adults; we see the world differently. It is as … More A Letter To My Church

A Step Towards Peace

It seems impossible to turn on the TV or open a newspaper these days without seeing horrifying news of war, terrorism and other atrocities. We’ve even become accustomed to checking Facebook to see if there’s a new temporary filter to add to our profile picture. There’s also an increasing consensus that we need to work … More A Step Towards Peace

Happy New Year 2017

Describe by The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah as ‘the year that started with Zika and then got bad’, 2016 is now (finally) over. Last month I offered a look back at this blog during 2016. What I didn’t do was look at the year more generally. I didn’t because I didn’t have to, because a wonderful … More Happy New Year 2017