I’ve been To The Bone

Earlier this week I laid in bed and watched Netflix’s To The Bone, the story of 20-year-old Ellen who seeks treatment for anorexia at a rather unconventional inpatient facility. It may have been a semi-autographical dramatisation of writer and director Marti Noxon’s story, but it also served as a stark reminder of my own battle with food. … More I’ve been To The Bone

The New Doctor

Much has been said about the BBC’s decision to cast Jodie Whittaker as the 13th person to play Dr Who. There have been three reactions on social media (and we all know that’s what matters, right?). Firstly are the group that are reserving judgement. They want to see how she will do before they decide whether the guys … More The New Doctor

Explore The Nature

  There’s a stillness in nature that you don’t find anywhere else. It is one of few places that remain vibrant and full of life even when you’re alone. There’s a delicacy and vulnerability to nature, but within that lies its strength and beauty. Indeed it is one of the things I love best about … More Explore The Nature