A Budget That Works For Britain?

This week saw Philip Hammond, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, stand up in the House of Commons to tell the country about the Government’s Autumn Budget. Depending who you ask it is either an opportunity to build a stronger future for Britain or evidence of everything bad about having a Conservative government. But what does … More A Budget That Works For Britain?

I’m Still European

Friday was one of the most heartbreaking days of my life. In the early hours of Friday morning it was announced that the people of the UK had voted to leave the European Union. Ok, so Scotland, Northern Ireland, London and Gibraltar voted to stay – but they’re being dragged out anyway. This means that … More I’m Still European

Billie Bell – I’m voting to remain because…

“Love your country? Vote Leave. Hate Britain and democracy? Vote Remain”. I saw this comment earlier today and, I have to say, it angered me more than a little. It represents the way in which this EU referendum debate has been made both over-simple and alarmingly vicious. Because the simple truth is that it’s precisely … More Billie Bell – I’m voting to remain because…

18 Days to Go

In 18 days people throughout the United Kingdom will go to the polls to cast their vote on the future of Britain’s place in Europe. In February I published a post about why I would be voting to remain a member of the European Union.My view on the referendum hasn’t changed – I will still be … More 18 Days to Go