What to do when your tutor makes you want to cut class

In the now immortal words of Tony Blair: ‘Education. Education. Education.’ It is a fact without exception that we can all benefit from some form of education. In the UK (indeed, in many countries) there is a tendency to value formal education above all other. That is schooling with a set curriculum, regular lessons and … More What to do when your tutor makes you want to cut class

Time to Talk Day

Every year the Time to Change campaign asks us to take a little bit of time out of our day to talk about mental health. Time to Talk Day takes place on the first Thursday in February (that’s today). One in four of us in the UK will experience a mental health problem at some point … More Time to Talk Day

The NUS is no longer of use to students

Ben Thomas is president of the group NUSceptics which aims to encourage colleges and universities to disaffiliate from the National Union of Students (NUS). The Liberal Democrat member is currently working towards a PhD in atmospheric chemistry at Reading University. Read why he believes it’s time to wave goodbye to the NUS. The National Union of Students … More The NUS is no longer of use to students

No Thanks NUS!

Cameron Stewart is a student at the University of West Scotland studying Politics. He believes it’s time to move on from the National Union of Students and is a member of NUSceptics, a campaign to disaffiliate universities and colleges from the NUS. He is also a member of the Conservative party. Read what he has to … More No Thanks NUS!