RIP Lord Ashdown, Paddy

Paddy Ashdown was a great ambassador for both his party and for his country. A political great, Paddy had a unique skill in making each and every person he spoke to feel as though they were close friends. This was a skill he used on me each time we spoke. Sadly, we learnt today that … More RIP Lord Ashdown, Paddy

Teenager Who Accused Portsmouth City Council of Betraying Young People Announces Election Bid

There’s big news over on my new website! 24 hours ago I announced that I’m going to be standing in next year’s local elections in Portsmouth. Peter Marcus, who in April this year accused Portsmouth City Council bosses of being tight-fisted and betraying young people, has announced he will stand as a candidate for the … More Teenager Who Accused Portsmouth City Council of Betraying Young People Announces Election Bid

Trampled to Democracy

Just four days before a General Election it seems fitting to write about democracy. The difficulty is in choosing a topic on which to write. It seemed difficult, that is, until I read that it was on this day in 1913 that Emily Davison ran out in front of the King’s horse, sacrificing herself so … More Trampled to Democracy

US Election 2016

I tried to stay awake last night to watch results come in from across America in their presidential election. I fell asleep some point before the final result was announced; in fact, while a Clinton victory was still on the cards. I woke up this morning with it clear that, while she ran a good … More US Election 2016

I’m Still European

Friday was one of the most heartbreaking days of my life. In the early hours of Friday morning it was announced that the people of the UK had voted to leave the European Union. Ok, so Scotland, Northern Ireland, London and Gibraltar voted to stay – but they’re being dragged out anyway. This means that … More I’m Still European