RIP Lord Ashdown, Paddy

Paddy Ashdown was a great ambassador for both his party and for his country. A political great, Paddy had a unique skill in making each and every person he spoke to feel as though they were close friends. This was a skill he used on me each time we spoke. Sadly, we learnt today that … More RIP Lord Ashdown, Paddy

Whoever has Attacked our Parliament for Whatever Motive will not Succeed in Dividing Us.

The title of this post comes from a Tweet by Brendan Cox, the husband of the late Jo Cox MP. It was a Tweet sent in the most upsetting of circumstances as Westminster, the heart of British decision making, was attacked. 24 hours ag0 the first reports came in of a vehicle mowing people down … More Whoever has Attacked our Parliament for Whatever Motive will not Succeed in Dividing Us.

I’m Still European

Friday was one of the most heartbreaking days of my life. In the early hours of Friday morning it was announced that the people of the UK had voted to leave the European Union. Ok, so Scotland, Northern Ireland, London and Gibraltar voted to stay – but they’re being dragged out anyway. This means that … More I’m Still European

Northern Ireland

It takes just 70 minutes to get there from Gatwick, yet the beautiful shores of Northern Ireland have always been just out of my reach. The shores still are but I can at least say I’ve visited the country, albeit only for a day. It was an early start; not for a while has 4am … More Northern Ireland