RIP Lord Ashdown, Paddy

Paddy Ashdown was a great ambassador for both his party and for his country. A political great, Paddy had a unique skill in making each and every person he spoke to feel as though they were close friends. This was a skill he used on me each time we spoke. Sadly, we learnt today that … More RIP Lord Ashdown, Paddy

The NUS is no longer of use to students

Ben Thomas is president of the group NUSceptics which aims to encourage colleges and universities to disaffiliate from the National Union of Students (NUS). The Liberal Democrat member is currently working towards a PhD in atmospheric chemistry at Reading University. Read why he believes it’s time to wave goodbye to the NUS. The National Union of Students … More The NUS is no longer of use to students

I’m Still European

Friday was one of the most heartbreaking days of my life. In the early hours of Friday morning it was announced that the people of the UK had voted to leave the European Union. Ok, so Scotland, Northern Ireland, London and Gibraltar voted to stay – but they’re being dragged out anyway. This means that … More I’m Still European

18 Days to Go

In 18 days people throughout the United Kingdom will go to the polls to cast their vote on the future of Britain’s place in Europe. In February I published a post about why I would be voting to remain a member of the European Union.My view on the referendum hasn’t changed – I will still be … More 18 Days to Go

My Civic Award

As I write this I am overcome by emotion. Emotions of pride, honour and a renewed commitment. At the same time I know the reason for those emotions is not down to me alone. Today I was presented with a Civic Award by the Lord Mayor for my work with Portsmouth Youth Voice (and Portsmouth … More My Civic Award

A Final Goodbye

Four years ago I was walking the streets of Cosham and Wymering (that’s where I live for those of you who don’t know) delivering leaflets and knocking doors for a man called Aiden Gray. Aiden was running for election. He was aiming to become the first Liberal Democrat councillor for Cosham and I was proud … More A Final Goodbye